How Much Does Israel Cost Us?

1 min readJan 1, 2021


Trump Spills the Beans

The fact is, we don’t have to be in the Middle East, other than we want to protect Israel. We’ve been very good to Israel. Other than that, we don’t have to be in the Middle East. You know there was a time we needed desperately oil, we don’t need that anymore.

The costs are worse than we thought:

Based on publicly available pre-1990 black budget expenses, the CIA is dedicating between $13.2 billion to Israeli interests *every year* if spending has been tacked to inflation.

The “black budget” expenses are what the CIA provides. Trying to get the real numbers back in 2015, the Institute For Research: Middle East Policy fought a four year long legal battle and lost.

We also give money to others in the Middle East like Saudi Arabia to be nice with Israel.

The on paper cost of Israel, when we include the “loan guarantee” scam and payments to neighboring countries to advance Israel’s interests, is at least $23.1 billion a year.

This figure excludes speculative figures on the black budget in service to Israel, which if correct, would bring that number to $36.3 billion.

$36.3 billion with a “b” annually to Israel. What do we get in return? Bumpkis.




I wonder a lot. Purveyor of disagreeable posts.